How to organize your tools inside your toolbox?

 Constantly struggling to find tools becomes a matter of concern when it starts happening on daily basis. It feels like more time is being wasted on finding the gadget rather than performing the actual task. It is easier to throw tools in the pile after an exhausting day. The subsequent day faces yet another phase of struggle where finding accessories becomes a hefty task again. A major segment of us know the benefits of mechanic toolbox organizers, yet we are still stuck with drawers and bags to contain our gadgets. Perhaps, it is high time we shift from being amateur to the pro level. 

The job doesn’t end at merely purchasing the automotive toolbox organizer or a screwdriver organizer, it rather starts at the installation mark. Here’s what every mechanic needs to know about organizing his gadgets. Before we start, we must know that accumulating and organizing are two different things. Organizing is precise and more time-consuming. Hence, it should be done deliberately. 

How Should You Be Organizing Your Tools?

There are no fundamental rules to accommodate your tool collection. It may be understood when we call it an ‘Approach’ and not an Arrangement. Every workshop comprises of a distinct layout and the one that makes it convenient for staff members to access their tools is termed to be the best one for the workshop. 

  • Separating and Grouping: Putting hands in the clutter of tools yields nothing but disappointment. Instead, start off by grouping similar tools together and separating the ones that are needed once in a blue moon. For instance, put screwdrivers of multiple sizes to screwdriver organizer and dedicate a specified drawer to the drilling machine plus its bits.
  • Labeling: How easy would it get when every drawer you look at is labeled with what’s kept inside? It is often advised to purchase SAE Size Labels with mechanic toolbox organizers to precisely distinguish between similar items. If you are keeping a family of tools together, give a few more minutes labeling them. It eases your work in the long term.
  • Planned Storage: As mentioned above, accumulation and organizing are two different aspects of every workshop. Merely putting in tools of the same sort in drawer counts to accumulation. Assigning them a specific spot from top to bottom derives the functionality of organizing. Use top drawers for frequently used accessories and lower ones for heavy objects. 

  • Organizer Accessibility: Once you’ve assigned every tool to a specified order and arrangement, it’s time you give accessibility to staff members. Placing or mounting the automotive tool organizer to a spot where it gets access to every individual inside instigates a smoother environment. 
  • Storage: Lastly, make sure you have ample storage space to store your delicate devices. Building a collection is as good as arranging it in order. If shelves, drawers, or bags are buffed with tools, it’s time you get in the additional storage in the form of mechanic tool organizers. 


It is always a good idea to orderly arrange your gadgets first thing in the day. A tiresome day comes from unnecessary wandering for gadgets and not achieving any. Organizing is the first step to a productive day, make sure you are very well connected to it. 
